Ceasar's Cipher

The Ceasar's Cipher is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the plaintext is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet.

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Encrypted Phrases

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Fhpprff vf ab nppvqrag. Vg vf uneq jbex, crefrirenapr, yrneavat, fghqlvat, fnpevsvpr, naq zbfg bs nyy n ybir sbe jung lbh'er qbvat.

Vgf n orngvshy guvat jura n pnerre naq n cnffvba pbzr gbtrgure.

Or srneyrff va gur chefhvg bs jung frgf lbhe fbhy ba sver.

Or unccl jvgu jung lbh unir, juvyr jbexvat sbe jung lbh jnag.

Sbphf ba lbhe tbny, qba'g ybbx naljurer ryfr ohg nurnq.